Flipping 50’s Exclusive Virtual Holiday Open House  Don’t Miss It!

What 150+ Interviews with Wellness Experts Revealed

If you’ve got an expert who’s done more than 150 interviews with wellness experts, what would you ask?

This is a male voice, you’ll love if like me you love an accent, and may also love this voice of reason.. Got males in the household? My guest may resonate. Give me sane, give me realistic, give me something I can do…. If that’s your battle-cry this is for you.

I met my guest while interviewing with him for a project he has and I knew he would resonate with you.

Enjoy this Interview with the health entrepreneur behind more than 150 interviews with wellness experts.

My Guest:

Damian Geleyns is a self-made serial entrepreneur, health and fitness lover, self-actualizer, and experiencer of life. He is also an evangelist for Ageless Living: to living lives that are not limited by our age, but rather defined by our attitude and approach to life. Lives that are lived more purposefully and intentionally and with greater fitness, health, wellness, longevity and vitality.

Damian has spent over 35 years of his life committed to living a healthy lifestyle based on fitness, wellness and natural living and his entrepreneurial endeavors have always seen him connected to the health, fitness and wellness sector.

Today he is committed to empowering others approaching or over 40 and beyond to know and apply what he’s learned, ensuring their wellness path is  an enabler and not a limiter to them living longer and better, to living free from disease, illness and injury, and to living their best lives or what he calls a Legend Life.

Questions We Answer in This Episode:

  • What is the difference between health, fitness, wellness? 
  • Why wellness is more than food and exercise?
  • What are, for you, the dimensions of wellness?
  • Why self-care and individual responsibility is the most important strategy you can do for your wellness?
  • Why the absence of illness does not mean you are well
  • What nutrition tips have emerged from interviewing 150+ health experts? 
  • How do I eat and move to be well?
  • Why did you come up with the Wellness After 40 Summit?
  • What can people expect?

Connect With Damian:


Damian on Social:

Legend Life After 40 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/legendlifeafter40/

Legend Life After 40 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legendlifeafter40/

Wellness After 40 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellnesslifeafter40

Wellness After 40 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellnesslifeafter40


Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor: https://www.flippingfifty.com/glucose

Other Episodes You May Like:

Burnt Out at 30 to Best at 40 | At-home Wellness Revolution: https://www.flippingfifty.com/at-home-wellness/

Successful Habit Change for Health, Fitness, & Wellness After 50: https://www.flippingfifty.com/successful-habit-change/

Two Women’s Wellness Coaches On Their Personal Wellness Habits: https://www.flippingfifty.com/womens-wellness-coaches/


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Learn how to measure!

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how to measure

Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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