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Importance of Strength Training for the Midlife Woman | #516

Episode #516 How does strength training for midlife woman compare to cardio for midlife women? In this episode I interview Jen Shaver, one of our recent Flipping 50 Specialists about her personal journey to finding the value of strength training for the midlife woman. 

My Guest:

Jennifer Shaver is a former endurance athlete who spent years doing countless triathlons, full and half marathons. 

Jen didn’t enter the age group world of running until age 33 but, once she started the only thing holding her back was her pain. During her competitive endurance, she suffered bulging discs, anemia, and extreme joint pain.

Looking back now, she knows it’s because she didn’t implement several important factors into her training as she was aging.

On January 1st of 2020 when other people were making their New Year’s resolutions to start running more as a part of their healthy habits, she entered running retirement. She finally ditched the constant pain.

She focused on strength training, something that she had neglected for many years. In May of 2021, over 1 year after she’d hung up her running shoes she thought she would never do it again she conducted her own science experiment. What happened next over the next 18 weeks solidified in her the importance of strength training for the midlife woman.

Jen designs workouts that empower, not defeat, and that helps you realize that your best is ahead.

menopause fitness specialist advanced
Trainer or Health Coach or Want to Be?

Questions we answer in this episode:

  • What changes have you made in your own training compared to your 30s?
  • Were you a gym rat or at-home workout fan before the pandemic? Are you finding you can get a good workout from home? 
  • Describe your ideal workout 
  • What is it that you think makes a program appealing to midlife women?
  • Historically you spent a lot of time strength training – as we mentioned in your bio, what would you have said the percent of cardio vs strength was then and what was it now? 
  • How have changes affected your body composition, energy, and all things related to hormones?

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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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