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The Lesser Known Cause of Weight Loss Plateaus and Lack of Motivation

I so often share science here. Today is the exception. Bear with me, or tell me if this diversion from the norm resonates with you.

Over a four day period I spent 21 hours in the car last week. I drove across two states on Wednesday and Saturday last week. In effort not to bash any state that might be flat, boring, and full of windmills I won’t mention which.

The truth is I don’t mind it. I think, potentially, its the control freak in me. I would rather jump in my car and go (perhaps with a few more pairs of shoes) than drive to the airport, find a spot, get a shuttle, sit around and wait, pray for no delay, then pray for my luggage to arrive, get a car, and spent nearly the same amount of time in transit or thinking about transit as if I drove.

Plus, truthfully, how telling is this about our workflow these days, driving gets me away from a computer screen. I really love that. I have come up with far more ideas in the car on some of those trips and caught up on more audio programs from my associations than any “focused” day in front of a screen. I’m certain of it!

The other thing I notice is that I consciously drink so much water and eat so healthfully during a road trip that it’s like a little mini-retreat. I feel amazing at the end of a 10 hour trip. Odd as that may sound, I get busy too! I can forget, neglect, or miss my water breaks but that NEVER happens in the car. I just make it my business to drink regularly. I bring healthy snacks. When it’s all you have, it’s all you eat.

My aha moment in the car Saturday though, was this: follow your gut. We ignore it so often. We all have intuition and yet we sometimes just leave it sit there. In this day of gut health, micro biome talk, and the gut being the second brain, following your gut is not new news. I’m not talking about gas, bloating or digestive issues here. I’m really talking about the feeling or inkling something isn’t (or is) right and then downright ignoring it.

Thoughtful senior businesswoman looking up in office

I am so guilty. I’d dropped my dog at at boarding on Tuesday. When they asked for confirmation about pick up on Sunday morning, I said, “That’s just in case: if I get back Saturday early enough I’ll stop then, what’s my window for pick up?”

Now, in my mind that clearly was a question about what time I could still pick up late on Saturday. The girl, a new face I didn’t recognize, said, “between 5 and 6pm.”

I was at the time staring at a sign that said, Reminder, we close at 5 on Saturdays, if you’re not here we’ll give you one call and charge you for an extra night if you’re late. Thank you for picking up your pet on time. 

The sign was new. The girl was new. I was a little confused but let it go: I was already thinking about 4 other things I needed to do before I was packed and ready to go.

Driving back, I was ahead of schedule. I was going to be back by 3:45 and was thinking, I’m early, I’ll have to kill time so I may as well get to the grocery store and go up the mountain and partially unpack at least. Done.

Still, I kept thinking…something doesn’t seem right. Why, if they close at 5, meaning they’re open ’til 5 is pickup for boarding between 5 and 6? But I just ignored it. I’d asked, got an answer and figured I’d got it wrong.

I figured I’d got it wrong. What??


Why would I do that? I figured I was wrong instead of following my gut and calling to ask.

As it turns out, I arrived at the kennel at about 5:03. They were closed. Doors locked. In fact I heard them lock the door as I walked up. So I knocked. Then I knocked again and got out my phone to call them. Not happy.

Mostly, I was not happy with myself. I could have gotten the groceries, gotten the dog, and been home relaxing at least an hour sooner. I just mentioned I like driving. At the end of the 10 hour day I don’t love another hour or two tacked on the end.

I thought about my choice to ignore signs and symptoms that something wasn’t right. I knew there was a mismatch somewhere. The closer I got to home the more I was thinking, hmm? Is that right? Seems weird. But I didn’t follow my gut.

I think you do it too. Why aren’t you motivated? Why do you plateau?

Here’s a truth in so many of the Flipping 50 TV show casting applications I receive. You tell me you can’t get motivated. You can’t stay motivated. Your stress level may be high (7-10 out of 10) or low (below 5 out of 10). Motivation is a problem. In a few instances, you share information about what else is going on in life. (That, by the way is SO helpful and why I coach the whole person, and not exercise or nutrition alone).

Recently, a woman shared something about not doing what she loved to do. She has a life passion and she’s no longer doing it. She used to, and appearance was a big part of the package for what she loves doing. She misses it desperately.

That heart and or gut feeling telling you that you need to act is a must-listen to if you’re to be happy. Happy comes before weight. Getting back into shape in order to be worthy of pursuing the thing that makes you happy is BS. Yes, I can BS.

When you begin pursuing it, give yourself a deadline, find a way to on some small scale (and NOT the one in the bathroom) do this thing. Maybe there are jobs or offers in the career path you want right now. How can you make your life work and passion a part of your life ANYWAY?

When you have that thing that you feel called to do, in today’s world there is a way. Social media makes it possible for any of us to do anything. You may have to make up the rules as you go along.

Whether yours is a monetary goal, or simply having purpose and finding yourself by using your gifts, START.

Start now.

What is your heart telling you? What is your gut telling you?

This is not a dress rehearsal. Do not wait to look better, be a certain size. The competition beating you down is internal not external.

Give yourself a little encouragement or find someone who will. When you get this thing on your path and purpose, your happiness will spill over and your other obstacles will fade.

Tell me what it is you wish you were doing more of in the comments. You will inspire someone else, I promise. She needs to hear/see it. Maybe she’s you.

Then, one question for you: will you start? One small step in that direction is all it takes. If you for instance wanted to write a book, writing a page a day would give you a 365 page book a year from now.

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Learn how to measure!

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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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