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10 Easy Steps to More Energy | Practice makes perfect Part 9

You’ve heard this your whole life: practice makes perfect. You may have also heard the carefully corrected version: perfect practice makes perfect. You’re always practicing something and it’s either something you consciously choose taking you in a direction you consciously want to go or it’s a habit you’re repeating that keeps you from what you really want.

Throughout this series and the eight episodes before this one you’ve been hearing about vibrational energy and whole brain state. You’ve heard exercises to help you dump stress and get into a place where you can respond instead of reacting to your surroundings. Today is about putting into practice more of the small things that will help you zero in on your most ideal state of energy.

Getting good at practicing the right things is a fast way to boost your energy.

Key points in this episode:

Life, essentially is practice

You are always practicing something: Daily routines, Daily thought patterns

Its called practice not perfection

Something to think about:

If you hesitate to start a new habit because of confusion about options – which is easy to do with dietary advice and fitness advice – try this rethink: what if there was more than one right answer? The point is not to find a perfect absolute, but to find a consistent pattern of getting better. There are many people who exercise regularly. They don’t all do it the same. The beauty of the practice of a routine providing some benefits is the point. You need to commit to a path to be able to apply practice makes perfect.

You don’t however have to stay on that path. You can change your mind. You can take a right or left turn or a u-turn and practice another set of habits. As long as you are moving forward you’re able to apply practice makes perfect. Otherwise you’re simply practicing what you’re already got and attracting more of that to you.

In our last episode 10 of this summer energy series we focus on how to solve the reason of the symptoms NOW and avoid disease later. It’s a two-for-one!

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This series has been brought to you by Flipping 50 and my guest Christy Mattoon. Reach out to her at [email protected] book a 30-minute session with her if you want to go deeper.


Link to prior episodes in this series: 

Instant Energy

Cross Train Your Brain

Affirmations for Energy

Stop Energy Sucking Habits

Reduce Anxiety Now

Boost Energy with Hydration

Dump Stress

Stay Calm

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Learn how to measure!

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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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