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Paleo Protein Powder – Vanilla (Subscribe-Save 10% Each Month!)

$71.95 / month

Lean animal protein in versatile vanilla that’s 97% pure protein. Dairy-free, soy-free and easy to digest. Continental US shipping only.

Get clean lean, animal protein that tastes like a milkshake! If you’ve tried whey protein and love the texture and taste but don’t like the idea of struggling with the gas, bloating, congestion, skin issues or even weight gain that you get from whey, then you’ll love the versatile and delicious Vanilla Paleo Protein Powder.

Love to Save? Here’s the Math! 
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You Save $118 annually!
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Enjoy this great-tasting, dairy-free protein powder, with 20 g of protein per serving. It is made from a highly concentrated, pure beef protein, produced through an exclusive proprietary process that allows the protein to be hydrolyzed into more peptides, resulting in easier absorption and assimilation. This is high quality protein sourced from cows raised in Sweden without hormones or antibiotics that are never fed any GMO feed.

Debra’s Paleo Proteins are ideal protein if you:

  • want a true Paleo protein source
  • want the power of beef to build muscle, cartilage & ligaments
  • want to support healthy skin with the included collagen
  • are dairy sensitive
  • respond better to animal protein
  • enjoy the versatility of vanilla
  • want a protein that will satisfy you longer than whey
Weight 2.70 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 5.5 × 6 in

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Love to Save? Here’s the Math! 
Order one Paleo a month…
You Save $118 annually!
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Learn how to measure!

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how to measure

Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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