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Midlife Anxiety Mid-pandemic : Survival Skills for You and Your Loved Ones

Midlife anxiety is a real thing. During the pandemic, it’s more likely that more of us have experienced it. Whether for you midlife anxiety is new, it’s something you’ve always dealt with or it’s not you but someone you love, this episode has something for you.

We’ve all been through the pandemic, essentially, together apart. So we share some common denominators that could have triggered anxiety at the onset of the pandemic, at the point where we’re re-entering the world, and numerous opportunities between.

This interview episode is being released as we near the two-year anniversary of the lockdowns and quarantines.  We did so with purpose and hope it serves you in some way. It is time to normalize mental health issues and talk openly about them.

Did you know? Protein .. Flipping50 protein powder supports anxiety.

Protein.. supports anxiety reduction

My Guest: 

Abbe Greenberg, MCIS, and Maggie Sarachek, MSW are trained counselors, mental health advocates, researchers, educators, writers, and long-time anxiety sufferers. In 2017, they launched their online community which now includes more than 200,000 people in 200+ countries and territories. Together the Anxiety Sisters write an award-winning blog and host a monthly podcast (The Spin Cycle). Having learned to live happily with anxiety, they spend their time coaching anxiety sufferers and conducting workshops and retreats all over the U.S. Their new book, The Anxiety Sisters’ Survival Guide, was published by Penguin Random House in September 2021.

Questions we answer in this interview:

  • How did you become known as the Anxiety Sisters? 
  • What is a Spin Kit? What was your personal anxiety journey? 
  • What is Shrinking World Syndrome (SWS)?  
  • How does Social connection and its effect relate to your mental health? 
  • How has the pandemic specifically had an impact on anxiety, and of course the social connections we have?
  • What are the recent studies since 2020 showing?
  • Is there a demographic most impacted? For our listeners how can we relate that to them?

Connect with Anxiety Sisters:

Website: http://www.anxietysisters.com

Social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anxietysisters

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theanxietysisters/

Other Episodes You May Like: 

Importance of Strength Training for the Midlife Woman | #516

5 Benefits of Strength Training After 50

Additional Resources: 

STRONGER Tone & Define 




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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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