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Stop the Health Band-Aids! Crutches We Think Are Normal

Metamucil and Coffee to Poop, Alcohol to Sleep. These Health Band-Aids are not doing you any favors. 

If you’re using coffee to poop and alcohol to sleep, it’s not normal. Nor do you have to settle or tolerate feelings or symptoms. 

It’s time to rip off these false health band-aids. If constipation or chronic energy needs coffee or if relaxation and sleep don’t come without a nightcap, listen here for the damage these crutches, or health band-aids can have long-term. 

Other band-aids are Tylenol or Advil for headaches and migraines. We take them often without wondering why are we getting them or what do they mean. If sugar is calling you too often, why would that be and what could the sugar be doing to you as well as doing for you? 

It’s a no-judgment zone today! There may be something here for you and if not you, for someone you love. 

My Guest:

Shae Leonard is a certified Physician Assistant and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner- founder of Shae Leonard Wellness. She quit conventional medicine after she found healing through root cause medicine.

Due to severe bloating, cystic acne, seizures on her menstrual cycle, anxiety and fatigue from a very early age, Shae pursued medicine as a career and became a licensed Physician Assistant. Shae left conventional medicine after finding her own healing through functional medicine and Shae Leonard Wellness was born. She’s currently living and thriving in sunny Scottsdale, AZ.

Questions We Answer in this Episode:

  • How did you get started?
  • Let’s talk about these health band-aids we use. 
  • What solutions can we offer at the beginning to wean off these crutches? 
  • What works for constipation? 
  • How can someone not need to stimulate a bowel movement with coffee? 
  • What are ways to support sleep without alcohol? 

The probiotic strain mentioned: Bifido Bacteria 

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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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