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Coming Soon! The Flipping 50 TV Show Launch Right here!

The Flipping 50 TV show is launching right here! Episodes will appear here and you’ll get all the juicy details right on the blog here at !!

The first season of Flipping 50 TV launched on the Wellness TV app in July! In January we added episodes to our membership site, and now we’re moving all the episodes to give you full access all the time, without logging in!

If you’ve got a question, hope over to and send it it (we’re planning our next season and…summer is going to sizzle!) You’ll get a copy of  my Muscles in Minutes guide right away and if your question is featured on the show I’ll share with you some gifts and goodies you’ll learn more about at!

All the show notes will be published here so you can access the recipes, products, and learn more about the exercises and resources used in each episode.

See you on the flip side!


P.S. Details and updates will be posted here, check back frequently!

P.P.S. I would so love it if you’d share this with your friends! Let’s raise the glass ceiling and surround ourselves with women who are ready to flip their second half into the best half!

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6 thoughts on “Coming Soon! The Flipping 50 TV Show Launch Right here!”

  1. Debra Atkinson

    HI Janet, If you’ve never done one it can be great- provided that you have been personally tested. I’m not a fan of using a chart or generic heart rate training plan. You want to perform a treadmill test will an exercise physiologist or trainer experienced in administering who can observe your signs, symptoms, and interpret what your personal heart rate should be for interval work/interval recovery and endurance vs. tempo (moderate) runs. Age alone is not a good predictor. No one fits “average” and how you feel does not lie though sometimes heart rate does. Feel free to connect further with me if you need more guidance- great question!

  2. Hi Debra,
    What did fitness experts consume for protein sources prior to powders? And, why not just eat real food as a protein source?

  3. Until the last 5-10 years many fit pros thought too we could get enough from food. Breakfast is the hardest meal of the day. It’s not easy to carry a chicken breast on the go either if you’re not going to be having a meal at the optimal timing. Beyond 50… you’re 25 years into muscle loss Darlene.
    Back to breakfast – to get the 25-35 grams…that’s 6 eggs. Not many would want to or recommend that. And eggs are a food trigger for many sensitivities ranging from allergy to weight loss resistance. So many clients can’t or choose not to based on how they react. What’s left is bacon and sausage if you’re going for traditional breakfast foods. Some choose to do that in fact and it can fit on a Paleo type of diet.
    We’re the only country that has “breakfast” foods and unfortunately they’re high in carbs and low in protein. If you’re open to fish at breakfast – or any leftovers more typical of lunch and dinner- it’s a perfectly easy solution.

    I like the ease of getting 2 servings of veggies, a serving of fruit, healthy fat, plenty of fiber and adequate a two minute meal that I can take on the go if I need to. The convenience we need in our busy times are a big plus for a clean protein powder.

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Learn how to measure!

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Circumference outside of both arms, at the armpit

Right Triceps
Halfway btwn shoulder & elbow, arm extended.

Find the widest point of girth at the hips

Right Thigh
Standing with weight on both legs, measure halfway between knee cap and hip flexor

Right Calf
Standing with weight on both legs, find the largest point of calf.

how to measure woman outline

Measure from the rib cage just under breasts at bra line

At the belly button/umbilicus

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